Fi Audio HC 18

HC 18
11 999 kr 9 599 kr
18" SPL/SQ-subwoofer av aller høyeste kvalitet. 2.500W RMS. 2x2 ohm. 100% produsert i USA med US-stål i Las Vegas.

The HC Series signals a return to traditional ferrite motors. The HC Series is the latest in the progression of Fi subwoofers geared towards thundering daily drivers. Utilizing a favorite 3 stack ferrite magnet design using US steel cut on our water jet and finish machined on our CNCs, there is plenty of motor force in the FEA derived design for both daily and SPL use. Utilizing a solid pole and staged aluminum cooling helps keeps thermal temperatures under control. A classic 3 stack of ferrite magnets provide the Gauss while 4 Fi designed 10″ heavy progressive spiders keep things under mechanical control. Utilizing a special 144 tinsel count leadwire that is double sewn to the spider pack, there are no losses in power transfer to the coil (available in either standard stitched with terminals or the hybrid stitched with bolted termination.


Coils D1/D2
Fs 32.3 Hz
Re .9/1.8
Qms 7.71
Qes 0.38
Qts 0.35
Mms 399 g
Cms 6.04^-5
Sd 1210 cm^2
Vas 125.2 l
Spl 92.4 1W/1m
Bl 20.0/28.2
Xmax 34 mm
Rms 2500W
Tekniske spesifikasjoner
Varenummer HC 18
Antall 1
Enhet Stykk
Merkevare Fi
Produksjonsland USA
Effekttålighet (RMS) 2500W
Følsomhet 92 dB
Impedanse 2x2 Ω (kobles i 1 / 4 ohm)
Monteringsdybde, bass 293 mm
Monteringsdiameter, bass 429 mm
Vekt med embalasje 34.500000
0% of 100
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Fi Audio HC-serie
Fi Audio HC-serie
Les mer om Fi Audio sin HC-serie.